Saturday, July 28, 2007

Something to think about

How often in your life have you had moments when things happened that you couldn't quite explain. You sit there in amazement wondering how in the world did all the things that had to happen for you to end up where you ended up to see the results that you had only "dreamed" about to see someday when you thought about what you wanted.

I have had many such incidents happen in my life to ignore the fact that there is an intelligence beyond our comprehension directing events in such a manner that things we had thought about as impossible to pull together are pulled together effortlessly. I am in the process of writing a book that I had thought about writing a couple of years ago. I had the central idea or the theme for the book. When I sat down to start writing, I had no idea where to begin or how to put the thoughts in an organized manner so it could be useful to the end user.

I read books, I have taken classes in the past on writing, both fiction and non-fiction, and yet I couldn't get started. I even had people willing to market the end product for me and had started hinting to their lists what was coming. The book never got beyond an idea. The idea kept nagging at me from time to time and I would play the scenario in my mind of having it completed and being sold by my friends and associates via viral marketing techniques. Yet, the book remained only in my imagination as a raw idea.

Recently, I talked to a friend about helping me write it. She jumped at the idea. We planned to meet to discuss what I had in mind. She helped me with preparing the outline, and we talked about making this a joint project so she can be a co-author rather than a ghost writer. A week went by and we didn't get beyond the outline. This morning I sat down to do some writing and as I started "writing" my thoughts, it occurred to me that this project is in reality two dreams manifesting themselves, mine and hers. Add to that the circumstances under which we met, and I started getting goosebumps. WOW! All the things that had to have happened for us to work together on this project which is culminating into something neither of us had imagined as the end result, and yet it is fulfillment of both of our individual dreams that are totally unrelated in nature and scope.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Is It Worth It?

Do you “value” your prosperity?

Let’s face it. We will only devote our time, efforts and resources to the acquisition of things that are important to us, things that we really value. This is especially true when we feel that money is tight. And therein lays the catch 22.

I have found that some people will go to extremes to acquire motivational books and tapes and attend seminars, live and via telephone, as long as it is free, but will balk at spending a few dollars to get the same things. These same people will go from one book to the next, one seminar to the next, one teacher to the next, as long as they are offering something for free, and wonder why they are not becoming prosperous or worse yet, blame everyone else and the whole concept of prosperity consciousness for their failure.

What they don’t realize is that they are sending a strong message to their sub-conscious mind that being prosperous is not really something they VALUE. They do this by their refusal to invest in their own prosperity. They use excuses such as, “if I had the money, I wouldn’t need prosperity training would I?” to justify their action.

You see, people spend money in the acquisition of things that they value, and by not spending their money on their own prosperity these people are making a statement, a crystal clear and bold statement, that acquiring a prosperous lifestyle is NOT something that they value enough to part with their valuable resources.

Why is that?

Think about it.

Your thoughts?